

Revamped combat system:

  1. All melee attacks randomly select a specific area of the body to hit, as well as regular misses, all out of the same pool.
  2. Higher skill biases the pool “inward” on the body - some of the miss percentage will turn into outer limb hit percentage, some of the inner limb hit percentage will turn into a body hit percentage, etc. Head strikes are rare, but can inflict stunning as well as damage, although helms mitigate this somewhat.
  3. Armor protects the area it covers, but its material or AC is a big factor in damage reduction: weak cloth armor takes full damage just like no armor, plate armor generally reduces damage completely except for rare armor-chink hits, etc.
  4. Armor is strictly organized into four tiers of cloth, leather, mail and plate.
  5. Positive weapon enchantment lowers the armor’s effective tier. Positive armor enchantment raises its effective tier. High armor enchantments are made substantially harder to come by.
  6. Thrown daggers and knives are effectively useless against mail and plate armor, except for rare chink hits. Bow and arrow is useless against plate armor unless enchanted. Crossbow, however, is still useful against it. However, a successful shot deals a lot of damage.
  7. On the monster side, many monsters (e.g. dragons) have effective full-body enchanted plate. Some monsters such as giants may also have powerful attacks that bypass armor.
  8. Along with the limb-targeting system, it is also possible to break limbs. Broken limbs can be cured with prayer or most types of healing.