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abandoned temple abuse achievements acid acid blob acid resistance advanced spell forms aggravate effect aggravate monster intrinsic air elemental air terrain aklys alchemy aleax aligned priest alignment alignment conversion alignment record ally buffs altars alternate ending amber stone amethyst ammo ammo breakage amnesia a monster class A monster class amulet of change amulet of drain resistance amulet of esp amulet of flying amulet of life saving amulet of magical breathing amulet of reflection amulet of restful sleep amulet of strangulation amulet of unchanging amulet of yendor amulets amulet versus poison angel angel race angering anthole anti-magic field antimatter vortex apple apron archeologist archeologist quest arch-lich archon arch priest area of effect armor armor class arrow arrow trap artifact blast artifacts artifact wishing artificer role ascension ascension kit ascension run asmodeus asmodeus' lair astral plane astral vision athame atheist conduct attack spells attributes autocursing autopickup autoreturning autounlock axe


baalzebub baalzebub's lair baby purple worm backstab bag of holding bag of tricks bags ball spells balrog baluchitherium banana bane artifacts barbarian barbed devil bard barracks bats battle-axe beams bear trap beehive beholder being held by a monster bell bell of opening benches berserk big room black light black market black pudding blank spellbook bleeding blessed behavior blindfold blindness blood splatters bloodthirsty weapon blue dragon b monster class B monster class body armor bone devil bone material bones files bones piles book of the dead boomerang boots boots of levitation boulder bow brainlessness branchport brass lantern breaking wands breath meter breath weapons bribing bronze plate mail brood wasp brown pudding bugle bullwhip buried objects


calendar events camera cancellation candelabrum of invocation candle candy bar cannibalism can of grease captain carrot carrying capacity cartomancer cast from hit points castle cats caveman caveman quest ceiling clingers centaur race centipede chain lightning chameleon chaotic charging charisma chat chest chickatrice choking on food chromatic dragon clairvoyance clay golem cleaver clerical spells cloak of displacement cloak of invisibility cloak of magic resistance cloak of protection cloaks clockwork automaton race cloning closet cloth material clove of garlic club c monster class C monster class cockatrice cockatrice corpse code internals cold cold resistance combat comestibles completely new system concealment conducts config file confirmation prompt conflict confused effect confuse monster confusion consolidation constitution consumable renewable principle containers container trap convict cooking copper material cornuthaum corpse corridor covetous crafting cram ration c-ration cream pie credit card critical hit crocodile croesus crossbow crossbow bolt crowning crysknife crystal ball crystal chest crystal plate mail cursed behavior cursed effects curse items curse resistance customizable fruit customizable object


dagger damage adjustments darkness dark one dart dart trap deafness death drops death magic resistance death ray death reasons debug fuzzer decapitation delicatessen demonbane demon gating demon lords demon monster class dented pot detect magic detect monsters detect objects detect unseen dexterity digestion attack digging dilithium crystal dilution dipping direction prompt disarming discoveries list disenchanter disintegration displacement displacement intrinsic displacement of monsters displacer beast divination spells divine protection djinni d monster class D monster class dogs donations doors door trap doppelganger double damage double trouble dragon armor dragonbane dragon egg dragonhide material drain resistance drawbridge drow drowning druid dumplog dunce cap dungeon features dungeon overview dust vortex dwarf king dwarf race dwarves dwarvish cloak dynamite


earth elemental earthquake eating eating non-food egg elbereth electric eel electricity elemental vulnerabilities elf race elven arrow elven boots elven bow elven cloak elven dagger elven helm elven spear elves e monster class E monster class enchanting enchantment enchantment spells encumbrance encyclopedia entries energy energy maximum energy regeneration energy vortex engrave action engravings engulfers enlightenment ent erinys erosion erosionproofing escape spells escaping the dungeon eucalyptus leaf excalibur exercise experience level experience points explore mode explosion extra attacks extrinsic protection eye of vecna eyes of the overworld eyewear


fake amulet of yendor fake bones pile fake wizard's tower falling rock trap famine farlook fedora figurine fire fire brand fire elemental fire giant fire horn fire resistance fire trap fire vortex first sacrifice gift flail flaming sphere flesh golem flint stone floating eye flying f monster class F monster class fog cloud foocubi food appraisal foodless conduct food poisoning force bolt forcefight forge former bigidea fort ludios fortune cookie fountains fox free action free hand freezing sphere frost brand frost horn fruit from trees fruit juice fumble boots fumbling


garden gas cloud gas spore gauntlets of dexterity gauntlets of power gaze attacks geek role gehennom gelatinous cube gem magic gems gemstone material gender general store genocide geryon ghost ghoul giant mimic giant race giant rat giantslayer giant spider glass golem glass material glass piercer globs gloves g monster class G monster class gnolls gnome king gnome kings wine cellar gnome monster gnome race gnomish mines gnomish wizard goblin town god anger god behavior gold detection gold dragon gold golem gold material golem monster class graffiti grand master grappling hook grass gravestone graveyard gray stones grayswandir grease green slime gremlin grenade grimtooth grudge guisarme gungnir gwtwod


haggling half physical damage half spell damage hallucination hallucination resistance hand-and-a-half weapon hand of vecna harassment hardware store hawaiian shirt healer healer quest healing effect healing potions healing spells health food store heart of ahriman helm of brilliance helm of opposite alignment helm of telepathy helms high altar high priest high score list hippocrates hit point maximum h monster class H monster class hobbit hobbit race hole holy water homunculus horn of plenty horses hp drain hp regeneration huge chunk of meat human race humans hunger intrinsic hunger rate hurtling


ice ice box ice devil ice queen's realm identification illiterate illithid race illness imbuing imp implemented in dnethack implemented in evilhack implemented in fiqhack implemented in FIQHack implemented in fourk implemented in nerfhack implemented in slicehack implemented in splicehack implemented in tnnt implemented in unnethack implemented in vanilla implemented in xnethack infidel infravision instadeath intelligence interface intrinsic monster detection intrinsics intrinsic speed invisibility invisible stalker invocation invoke iron ball iron ball of liberation iron bars iron chain iron golem iron material iron piercer iron safe item destruction izchak


jabberwock japanese item names javelin javelins jet stone jewelry store j monster class jousting juiblex jumping jumping boots


katana key key bindings kicking kicking boots killer bee king arthur king monsters K monster class knife knight knight quest knockback kobold shaman k-ration


ladders lamps lance land mine large box lava lawful leash leather armor leather golem leather material lembas wafer lemure lenses leprechaun leprechaun hall lethe water level difficulty level drain level flags level generation levelport level sounds level teleporter level temperature levitation levitation boots library lichen lieutenant life saving lighted areas light effects lighting store lightning light sources liquor emporium lithivore livelog lizard lizard monster class L monster class loadstone lock pick longbow of diana long sword long worm loot action lord carnarvon lord surtur low boots luck luckstone lurker above lycanthropy


mace maggot magical breathing magicbane magic cancellation magic candle magic flute magic fountains magic harp magic lamp magic mapping magic marker magic mirror of merlin magic missile magic portal magic resistance magic trap magic whistle mail daemon manes map rendering martial arts mask master assassin master kaen master key of thievery master mind flayer master of thieves matter spells mattock maze meatball meat ring meat stick medusa melee combat messages messagetype metal material milky potion mind flayer mindless mines' end minetown minigame mirror mithril coats mithril material mitre of holiness mjollnir m monster class M monster class m movement prefix moloch moloch's sanctum money monk monk quest monster ai monster colors monster command monster difficulty monster eating monster generation monster group spawning monster internals monster item use monster magic resistance monster player symmetry monster riding monster size monster sounds monster speed monster spell monster starting inventory monster status effects monster tunneling moon phase morale mordor orc morning star mountain nymph movement points mud terrain multishot mummy wrapping murder musical instruments mysterious force


nalzok naming artifacts naming monsters nazgul nearlook neutral new artifact new attack type new branch new command new conduct new damage type new dungeon feature new game mode new glyph new intrinsic new material new monster new monster spell new object new object property new option new race new randomized appearance new role new shop type new skill new special level new special room new spell newt new terrain type new themed room new trap n monster class N monster class noncombat skill non-living monsters non-poisonous cloud non-spell books nurse nutrition


object detection object display object generation object properties occupation ochre jelly offhand slot ogresmasher oil lamp oilskin cloak oilskin sack o monster class O monster class one-eyed sam opal open action opera cloak options oracle oracle level oracle services orange orb of detection orcish dagger orc race orcrist orc shaman orctown orcus orthogonal movement


pacification pacifist pancake pantheon panther paper golem paper material paralysis passive attacks passtune peaceful monsters pear percentage intrinsics pestilence pet ai pet eating petrification pets phasing pick-axe pill piranha pit plane of air plane of fire plane of water planes plastic material platinum material platinum yendorian express card player death player fear system player monster p monster class P monster class poison poison resistance polearms polyform effects polymorph polymorph control polymorphitis polymorph trap polypiling potion of acid potion of blindness potion of booze potion of confusion potion of enlightenment potion of extra healing potion of fruit juice potion of full healing potion of gain ability potion of gain energy potion of gain level potion of hallucination potion of healing potion of invisibility potion of levitation potion of monster detection potion of object detection potion of oil potion of polymorph potion of restore ability potion of see invisible potion of sickness potion of sleeping potion of speed potion of water potion of wonder potions prayer prayer boons prayer timeout price priest quest priest role prisoner probing protection from shape changers pulling pun based mechanics punishment purple worm pyrolisk python


q monster class quantum mechanic quarterstaff quasit queen bee quest quest artifacts quest guardians quest leader quest nemesis quiver quivering blob quiver item


race benefits random events randomized description effect ranged combat ranger ranger quest rat king raven rays red dragon red dragon scale mail red mold references reflection regeneration intrinsic rest action restful sleep restore ability resurrection riders riding ring mail ring of adornment ring of aggravate monster ring of conflict ring of fire resistance ring of hunger ring of increase accuracy ring of increase damage ring of invisibility ring of levitation ring of polymorph control ring of protection ring of protection from shape changers ring of regeneration ring of searching ring of slow digestion ring of sustain ability ring of warning rings r monster class R monster class rock rock mole rock piercer rock troll rogue rogue level rogue quest role benefits role intrinsics rolling boulder trap rope golem rothe rotten food rotting roundshield royal jelly ruby rumor runesword rust monster rust trap


saber sack sacrifice sacrifice gifts saddle salamander samurai sanctuary sandestin sapphire sasquatch saving grace scale mail scalpel scaring sceptre of might schroedingers box score scroll of amnesia scroll of blank paper scroll of charging scroll of confuse monster scroll of consecration scroll of create monster scroll of destroy armor scroll of earth scroll of enchant armor scroll of enchant weapon scroll of fire scroll of food detection scroll of genocide scroll of gold detection scroll of identify scroll of knowledge scroll of light scroll of magic mapping scroll of mail scroll of punishment scroll of remove curse scroll of scare monster scroll of stinking cloud scroll of taming scroll of teleportation scroll of web scroll of wishing scrolls scumming sea monster class search action searching searching intrinsic second-hand bookstore secret doors secret passages seduction see invisible sewage terrain sewer rat shade shallow water shambling horror shapechangers shark shield of mobility shield of reflection shields shimmering dragon shirts shocking sphere shock resistance shopkeepers shoplifting shops short sword shrieker shuriken sickness resistance sidequest silver dagger silver dragon scale mail silver material silver weapons sinks sitting skeleton skill caps skills skill scaling skill unrestricting sleeping sleeping gas trap sleep resistance sliming sling slippery fingers slow digestion slowing attack small mimic small shield smite targeting smoky potion s monster class snickersnee sokoban sokoban prize soldier ant soul selling spears special level parser special levels special room special spells speed adjustments speed boots spellbook of cancellation spellbooks spellcasting spell levels spell of cause fear spell of charm monster spell of clairvoyance spell of cone of cold spell of create familiar spell of create monster spell of cure blindness spell of cure sickness spell of detect food spell of detect monsters spell of detect unseen spell of dig spell of drain life spell of extra healing spell of finger of death spell of fireball spell of force bolt spell of haste self spell of healing spell of identify spell of invisibility spell of knock spell of levitation spell of light spell of magic mapping spell of magic missile spell of polymorph spell of protection spell of reflection spell of remove curse spell of restore ability spell of sleep spell of stone to flesh spell of teleport away spell of turn undead spell of wizard lock spell retention spell staves spiked pit spit attack spoilers spotted jelly sprig of wolfsbane squeaky board staff of aesculapius stairs starting equipment starting knowledge starting pet starting stats starvation statue statue trap status bar stealing stealth steam vortex stethoscope stiletto sting stinking cloud stone golem stone material stone terrain stone to flesh stoning resistance stormbringer storm giant straw golem strength stunning suffocation summoning summon insects summon nasties sunsword superior extrinsics principle swamp room swimming


tallow candle tameness taming taunting tdttoe techniques telepathy teleportation teleportation trap teleport control teleportitis temples temporary hit points temporary speed tengu terrain command themed rooms the watch thoth amon throne room thrones tiger tileset time of day tinning kit tin opener tins tin whistle tip command t monster class T monster class to-hit adjustments toilet tooled horn tools tortle race touchstone tourist tourist quest towel training trap door trapper traps trap scaling travel command treasure zoo trees trident tripe ration trollsbane trouble t-shirt tsurugi of muramasa turn count turn undead twoflower two-handed sword two-handed weapons two way holes twoweaponing type-naming objects


u monster class unchanging unconventional wielding undead underwater unholy water unicorn horn unicorns untrapping usage fee


valkyrie valkyrie quest valley of the dead vampire bat vampire shapeshifting vapors vault guard vaults vegan vegetarian venom very fast speed vibrating square violet fungus vision vlad's tower vlad the impaler v monster class V monster class vomiting vorpal blade


waking monsters walls wand of cancellation wand of cold wand of create monster wand of death wand of digging wand of enlightenment wand of fire wand of light wand of lightning wand of locking wand of magic missile wand of make invisible wand of nothing wand of opening wand of polymorph wand of probing wand of secret door detection wand of sleep wand of speed monster wand of striking wand of teleportation wand of undead turning wand of wishing wands wand skill wards war hammer warning warning of monster type warping water damage water demon water elemental water moccasin water nymph water terrain water troll water walking water walking boots wax material weaponless weapons web weight werebane werecreatures werejackal wererat werewolf whip whirly monsters white dragon scale mail windowport wisdom wishing wishing for non-objects wish parser withering wizard mode wizard of yendor wizard quest wizard role wizard's tower w monster class W monster class woodchuck wooden flute wooden harp wood golem wood material wood nymph worm that walks worm tooth worthless glass wounded legs wraith wresting writing wumpus


xan xlogfile x monster class xorn


yafm yeenoghu yellow dragon yellow light yendorian army y monster class Y monster class yumi


zen Z monster class zombies zombification zruty