Allow the player to annotate levels they are not on, because it’s a common occurrence that the player forgets to write down an important reminder about a level while still physically on it.
Allow the player to annotate levels they are not on, because it’s a common occurrence that the player forgets to write down an important reminder about a level while still physically on it.
Stairs should show any annotation of the level they lead to. Probably not by default, instead when using the nearlook and/or farlook command.
E.g. “There is a staircase down to level 2 (MUMAK BY THE STAIRS!!) here.”
Add a NAME: directive to the level compiler. Levels that have this will auto-annotate themselves as such (or add an immutable line with the name) once the level is entered.
Treat the vibrating square (if you have located it) as a dungeon feature in the overview, so that the level is shown as having a vibrating square on it.
When the player is prompted to rename an object or a level that already has a name and submits an empty string, ask the player for confirmation to remove that name entirely: “Remove old name? [yn] (n)”
Remove the odd feeling messages from magic traps. Instead move them to a new trap, a “foresight trap”, which gives you a vision of something to come. Once triggered, the trap vanishes. Effects can be:
You can pay the Oracle to tell you the depth at which various branches split off from the main dungeon. These are then recorded in your #overview.
The “To what level do you want to teleport?” prompt accepts level names defined by the player.
Scroll that tells you the dungeon overview for the next 5 levels of the dungeon. If blessed, shows more levels; if cursed, shows fewer levels or omits details.