All ideas with ChrisE as a contributor

The game doesn’t adequately signal that sinking in lava while fire resistant will become fatal given time. There are a few possible solutions depending on how much the model of “dissolved in molten lava” is changed:

  • Messages involving sinking in lava should indicate more clearly to the player that even though they are fire resistant, they will eventually die by sinking below the surface and dissolving. Possibly separate messages when the timeout is getting low, such as “You are beginning to dissolve.” and “You are dissolving faster.”
  • Sinking in lava while fire resistant is fine, and doesn’t kill the hero if they have magical breathing. The death that occurs if they don’t is changed to “drowned in molten lava”. This could mean the hero can swim through lava so long as they retain both fire resistance and magical breathing.
  • Sinking in lava dissolves parts of the hero’s body as they go deeper, causing progressively increasing amounts of HP damage, probably fractions of maximum HP, which eventually go over 100% as they slip fully underneath and kill them outright even if they’ve been healing the damage every time. Messages would also need to be updated.



When you vomit, you are prompted to choose a direction in which to vomit. The space in that direction is then hit with a weak acid attack.



Shock resistance turns ‘!’ at the end of in-game messages into ‘.’.



A small fraction of closets should contain a skeleton.



Don’t allow items to erode past the point where further erosion stops mattering. For instance, a orcish helm can lose at most 1 AC from eroding, so it should not be allowed to become very or thoroughly rusty, whereas plate mail can lose 3 AC from eroding, so it should be allowed to become thoroughly rusty.

With respect to other proposals about crafting (involving a craftsmen’s guild or even scattered craftsmen), the process of traveling back and forth to and from it might become busywork. So if players could craft things on their own, that might be better.

  • Would probably need properly flavored terrain for workstations, like a furnace or smelter, for certain crafts, otherwise flavor is too weird. (But this creates the problem of having to travel back and forth to it again.)
  • Fixed, non-simple recipes (e.g. existing scroll crafting is a simple recipe) are a heavy spoiler tax and should be avoided.
  • This could be simple for certain types of items, as in requiring some silver or gold and a diamond to craft a diamond ring, but doesn’t explain where any magical effects come from, and also might weirdly tie crafting recipes to randomized appearances which have previously been meaningless.
  • Probably requires a few more “base” crafting materials, some source of leather, some source of wood, etc.
    • Corpses could decay into bones, which disappear themselves with a longer timeout, but in the meantime can be used to craft bone stuff.
  • One of the craftable items should be saddles, because they’re very hard to find for non-Knight characters who want to ride.
  • Tallow candles should be relatively easy to make, because they can be made out of fat from slain animals.



When you are prompted for a direction to throw a boomerang, you can enter into some view-only mode which will show you the boomerang’s path in a given direction, before committing to throw it in any specific direction.

Proposals to address the situation where all the candles needed for the invocation are guaranteed in Vlad’s Tower. The current situation removes frustration but many players feel that it’s trivialized, whereas the system in 3.4.3 was frustrating because it was a common occurrence to have to backtrack to the Mines for candles after forgetting they needed to be collected, or worse, having to wish for them because the game didn’t generate 7 of them.

  • Make the Candelabrum come prefilled with 7 candles; this doesn’t address the trivialization concerns but does make it slightly less blatant.
  • Put Izchak’s store on a bones-ineligible level and guarantee at least 7 candles in the shop.
  • Rely on gnomes in the Mines being generated with candles, with a certain minimum amount of candles guaranteed.
  • Candles generate randomly on the floor of Gehennom levels, zero or one stacks per level.
  • Monsters in Gehennom sometimes generate with candles (though this would be difficult to tune and would not be as discoverable via object detection).
  • Make bees occasionally drop beeswax, which you can craft into candles; or they just rarely drop wax candles, or wax candles appear in beehives.



When you attempt to jump to an unlit space while carrying the Candelabrum, it automatically comes alight (rapidly consuming the candles as usual) to light the destination space.



Corpse traps, which act like statue traps but instead revive a corpse that is on that square when the player steps onto it or otherwise interacts with the corpse.



Print “You feel aggravated at the invisible mysterious force.” occasionally when you get hit by the mysterious force.



You can bury fruit to make a tree grow where the fruit was buried.



Cleaver can be invoked to toggle its arc-attacking on and off. This should perhaps not set its invoke timeout, since it isn’t giving the player any particular benefit. However, it’s a bit problematic what the default setting should be; if it starts out in no-arc mode it will be hard for players to discover that it has an arc mode at all; if it starts out in arc mode players may hit a peaceful target in their first few attacks before remembering they need to manually toggle it.

Alternatively, just prompt the player for confirmation if the attack they are about to make is obviously going to hit any peaceful or tame monsters.



Restrict bones files from being loaded (possibly just discarding the bones file) if they contain monsters that are far out of difficulty for the player encountering them.



Shopkeepers recognize items that they originally owned but were stolen from them by pets, etc. They reclaim ownership of those items if you return to the shop with them, or possibly get angry.



Baluchitheria and other elephant-like q flee from small rodents like sewer rats.



The “To what level do you want to teleport?” prompt accepts level names defined by the player.



Allow spells to be moved to arbitrary letters in the spell rearranging menu, not just letters starting at ‘a’ up until however many spells the player currently knows. This lets players have their spells on letters they are used to from game to game.



If you used to have the Amulet but now don’t for some reason, your death message gets “(without the Amulet)” appended to it.



Up the chance for a wish for a wand of wishing giving you a wand that contains one more wrestable wish, to 50% or 75%.

F corpses can be dipped into potions to make different potions: juice + violet fungus = booze, juice + yellow mold = sickness, water + green mold = acid. (Note the existence of the Brewing Patch, which dissolves most F in juice to produce confusion, hallucination, booze, sleeping, and healing.)

Later suggested recipes which involve dipping a corpse in acid to dissolve it:

  • Wraith corpse → potion of gain level. (Does not always succeed, to compensate for the fact that a wraith corpse doesn’t always grant a level. Maybe it even has a lower success rate than getting a level from a corpse.)
  • Newt corpse → potion of gain energy.
  • Floating eye corpse → potion of levitation or possibly monster detection.

Losing alignment makes it permanently harder to regain alignment. Do this by instead of using a linear scale where current alignment equals alignment gained minus alignment lost, use a ratio where current alignment is alignment gained divided by alignment lost (probably with some constant factor in there somewhere).



Command that marks a given square with something that’s visible on the map but doesn’t exist in the actual game.



Statues generate in throne rooms, because they are the sort of thing a throne room would have.



If you hit a cockatrice with a corpse of a non-petrification-resistant monster, the corpse turns into a statue.



Dreaming about more than just noises that are really happening: stuff like fantasy dreams where you dream that you ascend to the status of Demigoddess, etc.



When you finish eating a food ration while hallucinating, the game produces the message combination “That food really hit the spot! The spot hits the food ration. The food ration is destroyed!”



Sokoban prize closets that don’t have the prize instead have mimics that imitate the prize.



Mimics can pretend to die, mimicking a mimic corpse or appropriate death drop.



Am amulet versus thievery, which protects you from all theft attacks including nymphs, leprechauns, foocubi, and possibly even Amulet-stealing attacks.



Holy water fountains in temples (would require balancing though).



Ring of fast living: gives an experience multiplier and increases hunger rate drastically, multiplies your damage but also multiplies damage you take.



If you press Escape while being grabbed by a monster, at a time when you could normally enter input (so not in the middle of messages or in a prompt), you get the message that says “You cannot escape from the [monster]!”



You can mark certain squares as “ignored” so that when you walk over them they don’t show you the items on it.



When tame shapechangers polymorph, they attack creatures based on their current monster level (or perhaps the maximum of their current level and their new form’s level), not blindly use the new form’s level.



A type of boots, perhaps high iron boots, that protects fully against xans.



Rock moles can be tamed by throwing a metal weapon at them, which they will catch and eat.

The ascension run through the Dungeons of Doom (the instant you come back into your god’s sphere of influence) is trivially easy: your god will regularly smite any enemy that dares attack you, and will ignore prayer timeout when answering prayer (but only to fix problems; if timeout is not 0, the god will not grant you any boons.) However, once you reach the Planes, the other gods step in and start interfering with the god so that they can’t directly help you anymore. These other gods don’t want to kill you since you’re still bringing the Amulet closer to them. But when you reach Astral, the other gods will do all they can to kill you, relieve you of the Amulet, and bring it to their own high altar. Your god sends you several A (might be Aleaxes, ki-rins or possibly even Archons) instead of just one, but you are now faced with elite teams of player monsters, priests, and A sent by the other gods, who have amulet-stealing attacks. The gods’ struggle to each get the Amulet manifests in all sorts of ways: disintegration beams blasting at you but being redirected onto a hapless monster nearby, inventory cursing, lightning bolts, resurrecting the corpses of dead player monsters or priests, and so on.



Multi-level shops, presumably with multiple shopkeepers or one shopkeeper that follows you to whichever level you’re on.



Make Quest nemeses death-magic resistant.



The game should allow you to reread a spellbook and relearn the spell whenever you want. The prompt should be “You know [spell] quite well already. Read the book anyway? (yn)”

Command (generalization of #tip, or #dump, have both been suggested) to transfer all items from one container into another container without having to temporarily place them in your inventory. It would be better but perhaps harder to implement if you could pick and choose which items were being transferred, rather than all of them.