Change dipping into existing water to a standard multiturn action. If you are
on top of water that you can dip into, you are now asked immediately after
typing #dip if you want to dip things into it. If you say no, you are prompted
for items to dip into each other like normal. If you say yes, you are presented
with an inventory selection menu that allows you to select multiple items. Then
you dip each of those items once into the water, handled automatically as an
occupation. If something interesting happens, like a fountain effect or a
monster moves nearby, the occupation is interrupted like normal.
Unspecified how the player should communicate their intention to dip items
multiple times. For instance, when diluting potions in a fountain which might
dry up, it’s desirable to double-dip all potions one by one in case it dries up
part way through, but it’s unclear how the interface should handle this.