Getting crowned as a lawful character should unlock the ability to dip for Excalibur if you are currently unable to, or raise the odds for successfully dipping to what Knights get.
Getting crowned as a lawful character should unlock the ability to dip for Excalibur if you are currently unable to, or raise the odds for successfully dipping to what Knights get.
If an Undead Slayer has maintained weaponless conduct by the time they get crowned, their skill cap in martial arts is raised to Grand Master.
If you manage to anger your god to the point of them sending a minion while still an atheist, and your crowning artifact does not yet exist, there is a very small chance that one of the minions will be carrying the crowning artifact.
Wielding a weapon while getting crowned either unrestricts it if you were Restricted in it, or otherwise raises your skill cap an additional level, up to Expert. Though this is obviously bad for inter-role balance.
Make more artifacts creatable by naming, with reasonable restrictions based on your role, experience level, alignment, and preexisting enchantment of the weapon, if it is a weapon.
Example: A lawful Priest who is XL 20 can create Demonbane by naming it, provided the mace being named is +5. The enchantment turns to +0 as the magic flows into its new anti-demon powers.
Cavemen receive a spellbook of fireball as their crowning gift, which they can always cast with 100% success rate. Flavor-wise, this ties into “discovering fire”.
If you get crowned on an altar, it becomes a throne which will give you one guaranteed wish, and then has no effect other than to make you feel very comfortable there. Not specified what will happen if the altar is in a temple with a priest tending it.
A new game ending where you can take an fake Amulet of Yendor into the Planes. This is only achievable by having your fake Amulet be unidentified, and have some combination of high Luck, being crowned, and high alignment record. The idea is that your god is so blinded by your excellence that they allow you into the Planes without checking that the Amulet is real.
In the Planes under this scenario, the Wizard’s harassment stops (if indeed he was harassing you at all; you don’t need to kill him or do the invocation to get into the Planes under these conditions).
When you get to Astral and offer the fake Amulet, you trigger a different ending in which your mistake is realized and you are condemned to become one of the player monsters roaming around on Astral until the hero with the real Amulet shows up.
New side branch, which is extremely difficult. At the end of the branch is an artifact crown, which causes you to become crowned when you wear it. Since crowning titles are bestowed by your god, it is unclear whether this should force the god to crown you and thus break atheist, or merely confer all the effects of being crowned without actually granting you the title.
You have a boosted chance in getting crowned if you are carrying the Amulet of Yendor. This possibly also nullifies the downsides of crowning, such as an extended prayer timeout.
Praying while standing on a throne, assuming you’re in good standing with your god, causes the god to have an increased chance of crowning you. Possibly, they always crown you if they decide to grant a boon and you are in good enough standing to be eligible for crowning.
Possibly, your god will not crown you until you have completed some milestone (finished the quest, probably, but also could be going to Gehennom and back).
When you are crowned, your character gains a literal ethereal crown above their head that causes hostile monsters of (significantly) lower level than you to have to pass a resistance check upon seeing you or else flee.
One of the prayer boons you can get from a god is intrinsic light: you become a light source (probably of radius 3, but could be 4). Crowning may give you this permanently, since you’re now all holy.
Crowning makes it impossible to change alignment ever again. You can neither permanently convert at an altar or put on a helm of opposite alignment after you have been crowned.
Excalibur starts out much weaker than it currently does, but you can perform further feats to enhance its power and give it more abilities as the game progresses. Such feats include: slaying a dragon, returning to King Arthur having finished the Knight quest, getting crowned as a lawful, re-dipping it into a fountain at a high experience level.
If you have been crowned, you can trade your crowned status for a wish. (You still keep the huge prayer timeout though.)
If the player sits on a throne after being crowned, even in non-royal polyforms, they get the royalty message.
Role-specific artifacts given to you only when you are crowned.
Wizards who can’t cast spells while crowned (permablind?) receive something other than a spellbook of finger of death.
Other priest benefits: the chance of receiving a sacrifice gift is doubled, make it easier to get crowned or other high boons, the prayer timeout isn’t increased when crowned.
Valkyries only gain wings (and therefore flying) after they are crowned.