All ideas with bhaak as a contributor

bhaak is the author of UnNetHack



Pleather armor, an object that is mostly identical to leather armor, but is made out of plastic.

  • If you somehow eat it, it counts as vegan.
  • It’s much lighter than leather armor.
  • If it gets exposed to extreme cold, it can become brittle and break.
  • If it gets exposed to fire, it can melt, causing extra damage to the wearer.



Iron doors should be able to take water damage and become rusty. Once rusty, it should be possible to break an iron door like a normal wooden one.

Alternatively, iron doors should be corrodable by throwing or smashing acid on them, with it taking 2-3 potions to weaken a door to the point of destroyability.



Divine speech by Offler (the Tourist chaotic god) should contain lisping on all ‘s’ sounds.



Portal stones: gray stones which are only useful in pairs (and which only 2 may generate in the whole game). They are used by putting one stone at a location you want to return to later, then later on activating the other one by rubbing it on your hand or something, which opens a temporary magic portal to (or levelports you to) the first stone.



Cursed stethoscopes cosmetically stick to your hand when used, but you rip off some skin to get it off when you’re finished using it, which deals 1 damage every time you use one.



In games where Orcish Town generates, Izchak appears on the level above and wanders around (he will only appear there once the Minetown level generates, so can’t be found earlier). If you talk to him, he will offer a sidequest where once you slay all the orcs and liberate the town, he will go back there and reopen his shop, restocking it with items.



When polymorphed into a form that has automatic bite or other melee-touching attack, if you are about to attack a cockatrice, make it subject to an Intelligence saving throw; if you pass this you avoid attacking the monster with your body.



You should be able to apply menucolors only to parts of a string, so you can have e.g. different colors set for “blessed”, “+1”, and “long sword”, and those colors all render in the appropriate places on the “blessed +1 long sword” in your inventory.



Dropping items onto a Moloch-aligned altar (or only his high altar?) can curse them.



Shambling horrors have randomly generated names, which give some clues about their stats and attacks.

Make the sparkle animation not necessarily synchronous with its related messages. Instead, when the core game engine calls the sparkle function, it informs the windowport that it should display a sparkle, and then proceeds as normal. The windowport may decide to play them immediately (as is currently enforced) or it may decide to defer playing any sparkles until just before the next time the player is prompted for input.

The primary use case for this is with multi-line windowports such as the curses interface, in which one might be on the Plane of Fire and get several messages like “foo stepped on a fire trap but is unharmed”, each with its own sparkle. Under the current system, the game must wait until each sparkle is finished before printing the next message. This implementation would allow the game to print all the messages at once, and then display all the sparkles one by one, or even simultaneously if it wants to.

Fort Ludios has a constant level difficulty, of perhaps 20, not varying based on where the game internally decided to place its floating branch.

Rather than placing random amounts of gold on each tile in a special room that generates gold on each tile (zoo, leprechaun hall, and any other that might get added), bias it so that there is more gold in the corners and along the walls, on the basis that things tend to accumulate in the corners of rooms. Should work on irregularly shaped rooms as well as rectangular ones.

One possible algorithm is that corners get 3 “helpings” of gold placed on them, walls 2, and every other space 1.

Another take is to instead put more gold into the center of the room and less further out, possibly guaranteeing some dragons on top of the biggest piles.



An alternate ending where you gather a ton of all different kinds of items, dig out most or all of a level, and become the new black market.



The rings of the Nazgul generate with names corresponding to 1 through 9 in Elvish (Black Speech would be better but doesn’t have known words for most of the numbers).

There may be an extant patch for this somewhere, but it wasn’t able to be located.



When a trap door makes you fall multiple levels, you take fall damage (unless you’re flying).



Putting a wand of cancellation into a bag of holding does not blow up the bag at all; it cancels the wand (as in NetHack4) and additionally “cancels” the bag by turning it into an uncursed sack (which does not normally happen when zapping magical bags with cancellation).

Not specified whether putting in a bag of tricks or second bag of holding would also have this effect, or whether it would still blow up the bag.



Snow golem, which is a monster found in icy locales. Does not generate in Gehennom. It uses a spitting attack to launch snowballs (flavored as throwing them), which are an object which behaves like spat venom in that they disappear one way or another at the end of their flight. These deal damage and possibly knockback. The encyclopedia entry for snow golems uses “Frosty the Snowman” as reference material.



If you are on a staircase/ladder (maybe a magic portal), your pets will always try to approach you (using the appr = 1 code path in dog_goal). Maybe, to make it a little less obvious have pets approach you (with a less than 100% chance) if you are merely near the stairs, with a diminishing chance of intervening to set appr = 1 the farther away you are.



To nerf the strategy of dropping the Amulet to cast spells, but not to the point of UnNetHack’s teleporting it anywhere on the level, it teleports randomly within a fixed radius every time it’s dropped. (Possibly on the Astral Plane it always teleports away from the nearest high altar, so you can’t use it to jump ahead.)



A new branch with infinite levels, whose level difficulty continues steadily increasing the deeper you go. Monsters killed do not drop anything, except that there is a very small chance, increasing with greater difficulty, of dropping a single wand of wishing. Unlike the rest of the dungeon, monster generation cares only about the level difficulty, ignoring the player’s experience level.

Levels in this branch are non-persistent. To prevent destroying any unique items, you either can’t bring them into the branch at all, or you are prevented from leaving a level in any way while they are on the level somewhere other than your person. Not determined what drinking a cursed potion of gain level would do.

One way to increase the challenge and prevent the hero from resting on the downstairs every level and starting each new level fresh is to suppress or remove natural HP regeneration in this branch.

Using an upstairs will take you back to the branch entrance, which may then close off forever. Possibly, 9/10 of upstairs will just crumble to nothing upon arrival in the level (whether this 9/10 is random or happens regularly every 10 levels isn’t determined). This makes it less easy to decide to bail out, though levelport or branchport would probably still work as escape items.

Not determined is to what degree the branch should enforce the player to spend time on each level. The three proposed options are:

  1. No enforcement. The player can go as deep as they want by digging a hole right away with the increased risk it entails.
  2. Enforced finding the downstairs. The floor is nondiggable, so the player has to at least reach the downstairs in order to travel further.
  3. Enforced battling a certain amount (or all) of the monsters. The downstairs will not let you travel down them unless you have killed a certain amount of monsters on the level.



The gaze attack of an evil eye can destroy or reduce the beatitude state of luckstones you are carrying.



You have a boosted chance in getting crowned if you are carrying the Amulet of Yendor. This possibly also nullifies the downsides of crowning, such as an extended prayer timeout.



Monsters summoned by an aligned caster (meaning a caster with a well-defined alignment: aligned priests, angelic minions) will also be minions of that god. Minions additionally get some extra benefits in exchange for directly serving a god, among which is periodically getting their HP topped up every now and again.



Underline statues to distinguish them from white colored monsters.

Assuming bhaak’s bag of tricks proposal is implemented, allowing an empty bag of tricks to function as a sack:

When the bag is recharged, don’t destroy the contents. Instead, just make the contents inaccessible until it becomes empty again. Also, add a possible random effect to using the bag while charged: it spits out one of its contents at random.

Another proposal is to place the items in the bag into the inventories of the monsters created by the bag. It could even influence which monsters get created (e.g. a monster who will receive an orcish helm from the bag is likely to be an orc).

Various alternate endings for the game:

  • You can take over an abandoned shop, stock it with items and mimics, and settle down as a new shopkeeper, ending the game. This creates a bones file with you replaced by a shopkeeper bearing your name.
  • You can eradicate the Wizard of Yendor from the game entirely and forever, becoming the next Wizard of Yendor yourself. This is done by standing in the center of the Wizard’s Tower wearing the Amulet of Yendor and invoking it. This respawns a beefed-up Wizard; defeat him and the game ends with you as the next Wizard. (It’s missing an end condition for what happens if you escape the dungeon while in this semi-powered-up state.)
  • You can claim the Amulet’s power for yourself rather than giving it to a god. While anywhere on Astral, invoke the Amulet while wearing it. You get some big and unspecified surge of power from it. Furious at your betrayal, your god smites you every way they can, joined in by the other gods and the Riders, calling to bear all their priests, angels and Archons, which spawn in swarms on the high altars. (You also lose sanctuary.) You have to reach each high altar and shut it down/destroy it. Once you have done this, you win and keep the Amulet’s power for yourself, as long as you can manage to hold on to it.
  • Alternatively, there is another way to do the “claim the Amulet for yourself” way: once you invoke the Amulet, a timer starts. The gods have only this much time to kill you or take the Amulet away before you become invincible to them. Would require some anti-boulderforting measures though. Or, you have to escape the Astral Plane back to the surface wiht all the gods trying to impede your progress.
  • You want to break the power of the Amulet so no one gets it, and break the gods’ dominion over the world. You must invoke the Amulet while standing on each high altar to destroy it. (Not mutually exclusive with the other ending: you don’t channel the Amulet’s power into yourself, but into the high altar. In a game with both endings, you trigger the other one by invoking it anywhere except a high altar.)

Also see the Astral Escape Patch.



Extend the Advent Calendar patch to include Hanukkah gifts: behind the same appropriate doors depending on the date in December, you can find candles and potions of oil. If mundane candelabrums are added, possibly add those too.


object materials patch

Statues can come in bronze or other types of material.

Random engraving: “This ASCII tile was donated by [user].”, where user is either a name of someone that has contributed to nethack in real life, or just pulled from the high score list.

Add a scroll of air (as well as the scroll of flood, which is renamed to the scroll of water) so that there is one scroll for each element. When read normally, it could give a message “You feel a fresh breeze” and either reset your strangulation counter or give you temporary breathlessness. (Breathlessness seems like a potion effect more than a scroll effect, but then again, during those times when you need emergency breathlessness, you’re probably not capable of quaffing a potion.) If you read any of the water, earth, fire, and air scrolls while confused, it summons elementals, whose tame/peaceful/hostile state depends on the beatitude of the scroll. If you read it while on the Plane of Water, it either creates a new air bubble if you’re not in one, or expands your bubble permanently if you are in one. If cursed and in a bubble, the bubble shrinks to one space.

SpliceHack has since implemented the scroll of air as an burst of wind that shoves adjacent monsters away in all directions.

The list of monsters that ignore Elbereth should be increased, but the list of monsters that ignore scare monster should remain the same or decrease (3.6.0 Quest nemeses excepted). Perhaps scare monster should be renamed to “scare creature”, as it scares humans and elves, which are not really monsters.