All ideas with ShivanHunter as a contributor



Save the exact text of wishes made, and add it to either the dumplog or the #conduct list of wishes.

(This now exists in vanilla via livelogging of wishes and #chronicle.)



Make zruties eat every sort of food off the ground, including tainted corpses but not cockatrice corpses. Make them MZ_GIGANTIC and block line-of-sight. Give them a bull-rush attack that runs you over like a boulder trap but with more damage.



Entering ‘*’ at the prompt for genocide does a current-dungeon-level genocide attempt of all creatures. Cursed reverse genocides random monsters, blessed kills all monsters level-wide subject to a resistance roll, and uncursed does the same but in a smaller radius.

When a container containing items is polymorphed, it can only turn into other containers (possibly never a bag of holding to prevent abuse). Or else the contents just get spilled out (and possibly polymorphed themselves).

Various alternate endings for the game:

  • You can take over an abandoned shop, stock it with items and mimics, and settle down as a new shopkeeper, ending the game. This creates a bones file with you replaced by a shopkeeper bearing your name.
  • You can eradicate the Wizard of Yendor from the game entirely and forever, becoming the next Wizard of Yendor yourself. This is done by standing in the center of the Wizard’s Tower wearing the Amulet of Yendor and invoking it. This respawns a beefed-up Wizard; defeat him and the game ends with you as the next Wizard. (It’s missing an end condition for what happens if you escape the dungeon while in this semi-powered-up state.)
  • You can claim the Amulet’s power for yourself rather than giving it to a god. While anywhere on Astral, invoke the Amulet while wearing it. You get some big and unspecified surge of power from it. Furious at your betrayal, your god smites you every way they can, joined in by the other gods and the Riders, calling to bear all their priests, angels and Archons, which spawn in swarms on the high altars. (You also lose sanctuary.) You have to reach each high altar and shut it down/destroy it. Once you have done this, you win and keep the Amulet’s power for yourself, as long as you can manage to hold on to it.
  • Alternatively, there is another way to do the “claim the Amulet for yourself” way: once you invoke the Amulet, a timer starts. The gods have only this much time to kill you or take the Amulet away before you become invincible to them. Would require some anti-boulderforting measures though. Or, you have to escape the Astral Plane back to the surface wiht all the gods trying to impede your progress.
  • You want to break the power of the Amulet so no one gets it, and break the gods’ dominion over the world. You must invoke the Amulet while standing on each high altar to destroy it. (Not mutually exclusive with the other ending: you don’t channel the Amulet’s power into yourself, but into the high altar. In a game with both endings, you trigger the other one by invoking it anywhere except a high altar.)

Also see the Astral Escape Patch.



If you attack a monster while standing on Elbereth, all monsters in line of sight stop respecting Elbereth.