All ideas tagged "implemented in vanilla"



You can’t be knocked back if you’re carrying a loadstone.



The message for getting engulfed should distinguish between monsters that swallow you whole / have solid bodies versus ones that aren’t. For these monsters it should print “The purple worm swallows you whole!” instead of “engulfs you!”



Various types of floor traps trigger based on your weight. This makes the trap more likely to trigger on a heavily armored character or one who has collected a lot of loot. Would work nicely in the Gnomish Mines, since gnomes are light and don’t tend to carry much stuff. Certain traps could also trigger to a lesser degree if you weigh enough to trigger it but not a whole ton.



Statue traps generate monsters with a +5 difficulty modifier (though this might be too high). This is because a statue that surprisingly turns into a level-appropriate monster isn’t usually very threatening.



Shopkeepers remember when you have robbed their shop even after you pacify them, including in a bones file with a player of the same name who had robbed the shop. They treat former robbers as suspect, and enforce stricter rules on them and/or raise prices for them.



Randomly generated statues and figurines (and masks in variants that have them) should use a higher effective difficulty when choosing the associated monster species, because using low-level monsters is boring and typically useless to the hero.

This should probably also apply to statue traps, since they are not very threatening at the moment.



In regular dungeon levels, a certain engraving can occasionally generate which has treasure buried beneath it.

(Note: This idea predates the 3.7 themed room containing buried treasure and an engraving elsewhere on the level which points to it.)



When a giant deals you a crushing blow and knocks you back, it can propel you into water you are flying or levitating over, wetting your inventory.



Scale the damage from an anti-magic field (caused by having MR so you don’t get drained of magic power) to your maximum HP, or possibly by your experience level, rather than a few d4s that are usually meaningless to any character with a few levels. Or have it be based on your Pw maximum, with a higher maximum incurring a larger amount of HP damage.



If you have an autoreturning artifact wielded, and nothing quivered, using the ‘f’ command will throw the artifact, without making you have to use the t command then select its inventory letter.



Eating royal jelly while polymorphed into a killer bee turns you into a queen bee.



Reduce the nutrition value of eucalyptus leaves to 1 or 2; its current 30 is six times as much as a meatball, which makes no sense.



Imps’ taunting wakes up monsters nearby.

Some way to close off the double-slow-digestion loophole by which you can survive indefinitely without food, by abusing the fact that ring hunger is counted on certain different turns for the left and right hand. Suggestions include:

  • Ring (and amulet) hunger is always counted on every 20th turn. This prevents the slow digestion trick, but makes it somewhat easier to avoid ring hunger from most other rings (though not significantly harder).
  • As above, but the hunger is offset by some random phase, determined by a hidden value that is constant in your game, such as ubirthday.
  • As above, but the random phase is different every 20 turns (e.g. by deterministic hashing of turns/20). Effectively, one turn in every 20-turn chunk will cause ring hunger, but it’s not possible to figure out which.
  • Have a random 1/20 chance of each ring causing hunger on every turn.



Make it so that you cannot rename ghosts. (The ability to rename ghosts makes a bunch of otherwise interesting ideas about interacting with a specific named ghost boring, because you can just rename any ghost to whatever you want).



Add a message for #tipping your fedora.



Using digging to escape from an engulfer no longer leaves it teetering on the brink of death at 1 HP. Instead it cuts the engulfer’s HP in half. For unsolid or amorphous engulfers (e.g. Juiblex), it does even less damage than that. It still lets you escape in all cases though.



Archeologists and Tourists get experience for photographing monsters they haven’t yet photographed.



Remove the unidentified appearance of “grappling hook” as “iron hook”, it’s confusing and serves no good purpose.



You can force-fight a web to cut it, which may occasionally fail and get you or the weapon stuck in the web.



Change gravestones to display as white instead of gray to help distinguish them from walls.



Amnesia makes you forget spells and lose skill points instead of forgetting discoveries and maps. Normally, spell recall is drained; if a spell is at 0%, it is completely forgotten.



If you sit on a towel, give the YAFM “It’s probably not a good time for a picnic…”



The hero should be able to see from the get-go that the Candelabrum has seven candle holders, so display it as “(x/7 candles attached)” instead of just “(x candles attached)”.



Opening your current space (“o.”) should be equivalent to doing a loot on your current space.



If a priest gives you two bits for an ale while hallucinating, change the message to “two bitcoins for an ale” (or just use a hallucinatory currency.)



You need to have hands in order to operate a tinning kit or tin opener.



When dipping an oilskin sack in water, give a unique message “The water runs off the [bag/oilskin sack], leaving it dry.”, which unambiguously identifies the oilskin sack.



If blessed, the potion of polymorph gives you control over your polymorphing form when quaffed.



The wand of speed, zapped at yourself, grants temporary very fast speed and does not grant intrinsic speed. Intrinsic speed can be gained from a non-cursed potion of speed, and a blessed potion will still grant temporary very fast speed. These would be more useful in a system where permanent very fast speed is unobtainable.



Reading a blessed scroll of fire allows you to select a spot to center the blast of fire, similar to the selection for a scroll of stinking cloud or the advanced fireball spell. The damage of this scroll is also increased somewhat from what it is now, about four times the current damage, to make it worthwhile to use.



The amulet of restful sleep confers hungerless regeneration whenever the player is asleep.



Fire vortices uniquely among whirly engulfers don’t make your lamp or candle go out when they engulf you; they keep it ignited. In fact, they might ignite any candles you happen to be carrying in main inventory.



Purple worms going “Burrrrp!” wake up nearby monsters.



Save the exact text of wishes made, and add it to either the dumplog or the #conduct list of wishes.

(This now exists in vanilla via livelogging of wishes and #chronicle.)



Cancelled trolls won’t rise from the dead.



Hallucinatory trap names for when you look at traps while hallucinating: “slime pit”, “jack-in-a-box”, “buzzsaw trap”, “spiked floor”, “axeblade trap”, “queasy board”, “revolving wall”, “uneven floor”, “anti-anti-magic field”, “ice trap”, “finger trap”.



When starting or restoring the game while hallucinating, after the “welcome to NetHack!” message, print the message “NetHack is filmed in front of a live studio audience.”



Allow teleportation onto the vibrating square, since it isn’t really a trap.



Elves and possibly Rangers get an alignment penalty for cutting down trees. Dwarves get an alignment bonus.

Non-intrusive ways to tell new players important parts of the game, like how to use #enhance. For instance, “You feel more confident in your skills. (Use #enhance to advance this skill.)”



If the player sits on a throne after being crowned, even in non-royal polyforms, they get the royalty message.



In the uppermost levels of the dungeon, add (non-guaranteed) fake bones piles which contain starting equipment from some role. Gear is eroded or biased towards negative enchantment, most magical items are removed, and perhaps one or two non-starting items are added. Then the whole pile is mostly cursed as usual.

Note: This has been implemented in 3.6.1 but differently; it places random cursed items instead of selecting starting gear.

Several things relating to making the upper dungeon feel more “eroded” or exposed to the elements/other adventurers, in keeping with NetHack flavor that other people have been seeking the Amulet:

  • Falling rock traps on shallow levels come “pre-disarmed”, which is to say that they have already been used up and so should consist of a pile of rocks on the ground underneath a falling rock trap with no rocks left in it.
  • Rolling boulder traps on shallow levels generate without boulders or with out-of-line boulders.
  • Traps with ammunition can have a few pieces of that ammunition lying on the appropriate space.
  • Dilapidated armories.
  • Monsters on these levels are likely to generate with zero-charge or low-charge wands or other items.
  • Fewer items lying around.
  • Randomly destroyed walls.
  • Fake bones piles (see below).

Note that this has been partially implemented in 3.6.1 with the addition of fake bones piles that come with a pre-disarmed trap if applicable, although that was aimed less at adding ambiance and more at helping players avoid early traps.



Reduce the amount of gold generated on the floor, and probably also that buried under the floor and in rock so it doesn’t incentivize the player digging out a level. This is an attempt at gold rebalance.



Moving in Sokoban by jumping and hurtling from an iron ball doesn’t actually work to bypass boulders in 3.6, so it shouldn’t incur a Luck penalty.



Change the impossible() message (in NetHack 3.x and variants) so that it doesn’t imply the user should quit the program (thus destroying their save file).