All ideas tagged "loot action"



When you look at a pet’s inventory via the #loot command and it is wearing armor, its AC is shown.



You should be able to #loot your steed while riding it to get an item it picked up (or any item in its inventory besides items it has equipped such as its saddle). This requires you to have at least Basic riding skill.



Opening your current space (“o.”) should be equivalent to doing a loot on your current space.



The directional loot command works on adjacent containers, not only on your own square.



Sconces (perhaps a \ found on the walls of dark rooms, and in dark Mines levels, that may contain (lit or unlit) candles. You can untrap or loot them to remove the candle. Could also generate with an oil lamp, which would give you a potion of oil or a partially filled oil lamp when looted.



Implement directional looting for objects embedded in a wall where the object is a spellbook and the room type is LIBRARY, so the player doesn’t have to kick the wall to retrieve the books.



You can loot trees to get less fruit than you might by kicking it, but the chance of getting bees is much reduced. This might fail, in which case you might fall out of the tree and abuse Dexterity or something similar. If you are polymorphed into a Y, it has a 100% chance of success; if a human or elf, probably 80%; if an orc, 40-50%; if a gnome or a dwarf, 1-5%.