All ideas tagged "oil lamp"



During Hanukkah, oil lamps should burn at a very slow rate (1/8 the rate, unless this is unbalanced) so that they last a lot longer than usual.



If you fill an oil lamp with a smoky potion of oil, it will be transformed into a magic lamp with the usual djinni generation probability.



Because green slime is so flammable, there should be some way to use globs of it as lamp fuel.



Oil lamps hit by water damage lose some of their oil on account of the water flushing some of it out, reducing the amount of turns of light they have left.



Some method by which you can capture a djinni into a smoky potion or oil lamp (which in the latter case makes it a magic lamp). It should be non-trivial or somehow costly to do (the original idea just suggested applying the object in their direction, which is abusable). If feasible, the djinni should be angry and disinclined to grant a wish when it’s released.

Also, the game doesn’t track whether a given smoky potion contains a djinni (it would mess with stacking), so this would be tricky to implement internally for smoky potions.



Sconces (perhaps a \ found on the walls of dark rooms, and in dark Mines levels, that may contain (lit or unlit) candles. You can untrap or loot them to remove the candle. Could also generate with an oil lamp, which would give you a potion of oil or a partially filled oil lamp when looted.


object materials patch

Magic lamps and regular lamps can generate as various different materials. For rare material variants, a djinni that comes out of a magic lamp of that material and grants a wish will return back inside it one or two times, thereby granting multiple wishes.