All ideas tagged "references"

Maxwell’s Silver Hammer, a chaotic artifact silver war hammer which references the Beatles song. Its powers and details have not been specified.



Artifact unaligned pair of lenses The Lens of Truth, from Zelda, which grants see invisible when worn.



Divine speech by Offler (the Tourist chaotic god) should contain lisping on all ‘s’ sounds.



When a python is resurrected, it gets a special message “The python stops pining for the fjords” as a Monty Python reference.



Everlasting gobstopper, a food item that you start sucking on when you eat it, providing a constant d2 nutrition per turn. It never gets used up, but once you spit it out (by choosing to eat something else or by using “-“ with the eat command) it is no good anymore and gets used up. If you get oversatiated by not spitting it out, you can indeed choke and die on it.



A pet dog named Huan will one-hit kill any lycanthrope, as a reference to the dog of the same name in The Silmarillion.



Add a “purple crayon” tool, which is used by engraving on the floor with it. If you engrave the name of a monster species, a single monster of that species is created, possibly ignoring reverse-genocide restrictions. This is a reference to the children’s book Harold and the Purple Crayon.



Rather than generating unnamed, the three erinyes in the game always generate with the names Megaera, Alecto and Tisiphone, which are their names in Greek mythology.



A new Mines’ End variant that contains a guaranteed scroll of earth, gold golems, and an earth elemental as a reference to some Swiss folklore involving gnomes. Possibly also add a healer statue named Paracelsus, who was one of the first to name gnomes as such.



The magic portal to the Ice Queen’s Realm should always be placed in a closet. Optionally, the closet could contain a cloak and the level could contain other references to The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.



Have a special hallucination message if Baalzebub gates something in: “Baalzebub has a devil put aside for you!”



While you are hallucinating, any parrot corpses you come across are rendered as “ex-parrot” instead of “parrot corpse”.



As a reference to the game Centipede, if you hit a centipede (only with a slashing weapon?) and it still has over 50% health, it has a small chance of splitting into two centipedes. Both monsters are flagged or cancelled so that they cannot split further.

Add hallucinatory artifacts (it’s not clear where these would actually appear in the game): The Lost Orb of Phanastacoria, the Bizarro Orgasmatron.



Some YAFMs for pythons should be added, both Monty Python references and jokes about the Python language.



Watchmen that you chat to on the Tourist quest give special dialogue themed to the Ankh-Morpork City Watch.



Add some Hitchhiker’s Guide easter eggs on dungeon level 42.



Improvising on a wooden flute may compel all r monsters (or just the rats) within its audible range (or the whole level) to move closer to you or follow you, a reference to the Pied Piper of Hamelin.



Junk mail is not only addressed to the finder of the Eye of Larn, but contains references to other games too.



Give a YAFM for telling a vault guard your name is Spartacus.



When you kill a jabberwock while hallucinating, give the message “Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”



Fairies, a n monster similar to pixies: very small, flying, capable of hiding under objects. However, they are lawfully aligned and (?) always generated peaceful. If you chat to a non-hostile fairy, it will heal you a moderate amount (as in the Legend of Zelda) and become cancelled (a cancelled fairy can no longer heal you).