All ideas with Ann as a contributor



Any randomly generated large box in the dungeon may become named “Pandora’s Box”. It works like Schroedinger’s Box in that it’s a normal non-artifact box which is never trapped, and the special behavior when it’s opened is to spawn a bunch of nasty monsters around the player and subtract 2 Luck (and interrupt the normal box-opening process). However, there is something good for the player inside.



Throwing gold into a fountain (by standing on it and throwing it downwards) makes the gold vanish, and has a (gold/1,000,000) chance of giving you a wish.

Add two dice objects: a magic die and a plastic die. Both appear as “game die” when unidentified, are made of plastic, and weigh 2. Dice can be rolled by applying them or throwing them (upward or downward).

Magic dice are chargeable. They start out with 3-5 charges; uncursed charging adds 1 and blessed adds d3, up to a maximum of 7. The die can only be recharged twice.

Rolling either type of die produces a message “The die spins around and lands on [number].” Plastic dice and non-cursed magic dice use a d20 with even probability; cursed magic dice bias the result towards lower numbers such that the probability of each possible roll is proportional to 20 minus that roll (so there is a 19/170 chance of a 1, an 18/170 chance of a 2, etc.)

The effects are:

Roll Effect Message
1 You are hit by a death ray that ignores reflection and possibly magic resistance and possibly even life saving. “The die blasts you with a death ray!”
2 You are stunned, confused, blinded, and deafened for 200 turns, paralyzed for 15 turns, and inflicted with deadly illness. “You stagger and your vision blurs…”
3 You lose a random intrinsic as if a gremlin stole it. Usual intrinsic loss message
4 You suffer amnesia as if you had read a cursed scroll, and lose a point of Intelligence; this can kill you via brainlessness if it’s at 3. “You feel like your brain is getting sucked out…”
5 You suffer a standard curse items effect. “You feel as if you need some help.”
6 You lose one point in d3 different attributes that are not equal to 3, and abuse all other attributes. Usual attribute loss message
7 You gain one point of Luck, unless Luck is already +10. “You feel lucky!”
8 You take d20 physical damage (half damage does not help). “You feel excruciating pain all over your body!”
9-10 Nothing happens.  
11 A random item is generated on your square. Unspecified what happens if you are not on solid ground. “Suddenly, you see an object at your feet!”
12 You get the effect of a blessed potion of full healing. Usual full healing message
13 You lose one point of Luck, unless Luck is already -10. “You feel unlucky!”
14 You gain one point in d3 different attributes that are not at their maximum, and exercise the rest. Usual attribute gain message
15 You identify all your possessions.  
16 You gain an experience level. Usual level gain message
17 You get enlightenment. “You feel self-knowledgeable…”
18 You gain a random intrinsic that you don’t already have that could have come from a corpse. Usual intrinsic gain message
19 Your inventory is randomly blessed. “The die emits a light blue aura.”
20 You get a wish. “You may wish for an object.”

One possible alteration is to do away with both the instadeath and the wish, because it’s been pointed out that nearly all the negative effects are recoverable. The player has an incentive to hold off on rolling the die until they have the wherewithal to recover from most of the negative effects, and then roll it as much as possible in hopes of getting a wish, while suffering few permanent issues. Giving the die a chance to just unavoidably end the game to compensate for wishing abuse may be unsatisfying.

Beverage tins, which contain a potion instead of meat from a monster. Randomly generated ones always have potions with the “bubbly”, “fizzy” or “effervescent” appearance.

When you eat such a tin, it “opens with a loud hiss!”, making noise in some radius. It always takes 1 turn to open regardless of beatitude. Then you are shown its appearance. If you are not blind, you see it directly (“It contains a bubbly liquid”); if you are blind but have identified the potion, you recognize the potion by the smell; otherwise you get a generic “It feels like some liquid is inside”. Then you’re prompted to drink it, like with any other tin. If you do, you experience the same effects as you would from a potion of the corresponding beatitude.

Tinning kits could possibly convert potions into homemade beverage tins, but there needs to be some sort of downside which hasn’t yet been proposed. As it stands, you would be able to convert a 20-weight potion into a 10-weight unbreakable potion. The existing downsides are that it expends a tinning kit charge and the resulting potion can’t be dipped, alchemized with, or thrown, but for the sort of potions one would want to turn into tins, these aren’t really downsides.



Attempting to pick a lock with low Dexterity has a chance of jamming the lock, making it impossible to pick or use a key on. Opening magic and forcing the lock can still be used.



The scroll of identify’s confused effect allows you to pick any monster you can see and “identifies” them, giving either the same information as using a stethoscope on them, or the same information as probing, or possibly even more information (such as their resistances and status effects).



Make #polyself a non-wizard-mode-exclusive command. When used in regular play, it will:

  1. Cast the polymorph spell at yourself, if you know it.
  2. Otherwise, attempt to activate a polymorph trap you are standing on.
  3. Otherwise, fail like the #teleport command would when you are unable to teleport at will.



Eating objects made of different metals should give different amounts of nutrition per unit of weight. Currently all metals give 1 nutrition per weight unit, but it could be that things such as copper or mithril would give less nutrition than iron, whereas gold could give more, for instance.



An artifact amulet of magical breathing which also completely protects your inventory from water damage when worn.



An unaligned artifact amulet versus poison which also confers sickness resistance, half physical damage, and raises Constitution to 25 when worn. Tentatively named “The Eye of [something]”.



Make lycanthropic transformations non-instantaneous: you start to get messages 5-10 (or however many) turns before the transformation happens. For instance, “Your body itches all over.” This serves as a reminder if the player forgot or didn’t notice they had lycanthropy, and provides an opportunity for the player to remove armor to avoid it breaking.

You can quaff an adjacent water elemental, giving you a YAFM (“The water elemental looks deeply offended.”) and angering it if it was peaceful. Drinking it does not have any effect on you, but deals 1 HP damage to the elemental, killing it if it was at 1 HP (“As you drink the water elemental, it disintegrates into droplets.”)

You can also dip potions into a water elemental to dilute them, which also produces the offended message and angers it, but does not do any potion effect or damage to it.

Vow of poverty as a conduct. It is broken by ever having money in inventory (with a grace period of a few turns at the beginning of the game for roles that start with money, or define the conduct as never having money enter the inventory so you can spend initial gold, or a roleplay option similar to nudist that prevents you from generating with any money).



Speed boots can give you additional movement points equal to their enchantment. There are a couple non-mutually-exclusive options for doing this:

  • This only works for blessed speed boots.
  • If the enchantment is negative, they subtract movement points, to a minimum of 1.
  • To avoid the amount of movement points being predictable, the number of bonus movement points is slightly fuzzed by adding a random number from -1 to +1 each time it’s applied.
  • The boots do not themselves provide any bonus movement, or provide a smaller one than they do now. The bonus from enchantment makes up the bulk of it.



Blessed jumping boots allow you to jump in the same radius as the Basic level spell, instead of Unskilled.



A bag of tricks occasionally spits out a candy bar instead of a monster (or perhaps along with / carried by a monster), but only on Halloween.



Throwing an amulet of life saving at a statue may revive it, which uses up and identifies the amulet.



New objects “scrolls of riches”, which serve as a means of storing large amounts of money without carrying around all the literal gold.

  • Come in 3 types: “scroll of riches” worth $1000, “scroll of greater riches” worth $5000, “scroll of untold riches” worth $10000.
  • Uncursed read effect: creates the scroll’s cost amount of gold on your square.
  • Blessed read effect: as uncursed, but adds some extra gold.
  • Cursed read effect: takes your money up to an amount between half the scroll’s cost and its full cost; if you lack enough gold it will start destroying your items in decreasing order of shop sale cost to cover the cost, excluding unique items.
  • Confused read effect: either summon 1-3 gems (if blessed/uncursed) or glass (if cursed), or summon a gold golem as if from a figurine of the same beatitude of the scroll.
  • Has an ink cost greater than 99, making it unwritable. Not specified whether it can be created from polymorph.
  • Shopkeepers will always buy and sell noncursed scrolls of riches at face value, but will not buy cursed ones.
  • If a guard sees you with a scroll of riches, they get angry.
  • Several scrolls of untold riches appear in Fort Ludios.
  • The thing that seems to be missing is a way to get these scrolls besides happening on them randomly; specifically a way to turn carried gold into them. Possibly shopkeepeers could generate with one or two and will trade them for the equivalent amount of gold.



Blessed tinning kits have a chance of creating multiple tins from large, high-nutrition monsters. Specifically:

  • If the monster’s corpse is 800 or less nutrition (the amount from a food ration), it always makes 1 tin.
  • If the monster’s corpse is greater than 800 nutrition, it produces NUTR / 800 tins, plus possibly one more with a (NUTR % 800) / 800 chance. (So a monster whose corpse is 2000 nutrition would always produce 2 tins with a 50% chance of a third.)
  • It expends a charge for each tin produced like normal. If it would make more tins than there were charges, the amount of tins is capped at the number of charges.

New monster “vapor cloud”, similar to the fog cloud, except it is made up of potion vapors and instead of doing damage, it causes the uncursed vapor effect of potions to happen to you when engulfed. (There probably has to be something preventing a vapor cloud of paralysis from paralyzing you eternally.)

When it moves over a potion, it consumes the (topmost if there are multiple) potion and changes. With 50% probability, it either switches to the potion consumed, or rolls for alchemy as if combining its existing potion cloud with the new potion (probably rerolling events like turning to water, evaporating, and blowing up in an alchemic blast, though it would be funny if it blew itself up).

Hostile vapor clouds will intentionally seek out harmful potions to consume and will avoid beneficial potions.



Uranium wands have a small but persistent chance of causing radiation-based effects: “[The wand] momentarily glows with a sinister green light!” or “The wand momentarily feels very warm!” When this happens, one of two effects happens, each with a 50% chance: the victim takes 2d6 points of damage unless poison resistant, or the victim polymorphs.

The chances are as follows:

  • 1/100,000 per turn while carried in the hero’s or a monster’s main inventory (carrying it in a container makes it safe)
  • 1/500 chance if zapped at yourself, up, or down, or if the wand is non-directional
  • 1/2,000 chance if engraved with or zapped in a direction
  • Stacking 12.5% chance per charge in the wand, up to a maximum of 75%, if it is broken or explodes, to any monsters in the 9 squares affected by the explosion

Blade vortex (v), which is a whirlwind of spinning blades. It has two engulf attacks that deal 2d4 physical damage each, and is difficulty 12. Apart from generating normally, it can be created by polypiling a sufficiently high number of blades at once similar to how golems are created. When killed, it drops an assortment of bladed weapons, mostly smaller ones like knives, daggers, and short swords, and possibly a chain or two. It can be harmed by thrown potions of water, rust traps, and rust attacks.

Another iteration of the proposal is to make its blades its inventory rather than just assumed to be part of the monster, with the following interesting implications:

  • Rather than just the monster dealing damage, it actually makes attacks with randomly selected weapons against an engulfee, which could do things like silver damage if the vortex has silver weapons whirling around inside it.
  • Could have 6 attacks, each of which must use a different weapon. (If it only has 3 weapons in its inventory, it only gets 3 attacks.)
  • It would also have to generate with an inventory of a few blades, selected randomly from the set of bladed weapons under a certain weight (no giant battle-axes).
  • If it passes over blades lying on the ground, those are sucked into its inventory (which would make it even more deadly if it attacks with weapons it holds).
  • Also, hitting it with thrown blades will result in those blades being sucked in (and possibly dealing no damage since it’s obviously not harmed by its own blades).



Leprechauns very rarely drop a four-leaf clover on death. This is a vegan comestible that provides 1d3 luck (or just acts as a luckstone) when carried and can be eaten to gain 1 Luck. (The four-leaf clover appearing from sacrifices is not this item and cannot be picked up, though that could become confusing.)

Scrolls can be “corrupted” or “misspelled”. This basically acts as a toggle on whether the confused behavior of the scroll activates: reading a corrupted scroll while not confused will produce the confused effect and reading it while confused will produce the regular effect. There is no way to restore a corrupted scroll to normal.

Possibly, an unidentified corrupted scroll will have its label deterministically garbled similar to engravings, e.g. “scroll labeled FO0B|E BLe7Ch”. If identified it would simply show as “corrupted scroll of X”.

Writing a scroll while confused will make the result corrupted. Also, scrolls hit by water damage or produced from polymorphing other scrolls may be corrupted.



Rather than generating unnamed, the three erinyes in the game always generate with the names Megaera, Alecto and Tisiphone, which are their names in Greek mythology.