All ideas with Wooble as a contributor

Proposals to address the situation where all the candles needed for the invocation are guaranteed in Vlad’s Tower. The current situation removes frustration but many players feel that it’s trivialized, whereas the system in 3.4.3 was frustrating because it was a common occurrence to have to backtrack to the Mines for candles after forgetting they needed to be collected, or worse, having to wish for them because the game didn’t generate 7 of them.

  • Make the Candelabrum come prefilled with 7 candles; this doesn’t address the trivialization concerns but does make it slightly less blatant.
  • Put Izchak’s store on a bones-ineligible level and guarantee at least 7 candles in the shop.
  • Rely on gnomes in the Mines being generated with candles, with a certain minimum amount of candles guaranteed.
  • Candles generate randomly on the floor of Gehennom levels, zero or one stacks per level.
  • Monsters in Gehennom sometimes generate with candles (though this would be difficult to tune and would not be as discoverable via object detection).
  • Make bees occasionally drop beeswax, which you can craft into candles; or they just rarely drop wax candles, or wax candles appear in beehives.



If you’re wearing some orcish armor, some orcs may see you as another orc and be peaceful. Possibly the chance of this happening is higher for each piece of orcish armor you are wearing.



Leashes show on the map so you can tell where a leashed invisible pet is.



Asmodeus’ cold attack can freeze potions in containers.

Archeologists (maybe gnomes too) start the game with all valuable and worthless gems (but not gray stones) identified. If this is too powerful, perhaps they only begin the game with all worthless glass identified.



You can apply an empty expensive camera at a yellow light to recharge it.



If you have been crowned, you can trade your crowned status for a wish. (You still keep the huge prayer timeout though.)



Using a cursed tonal instrument makes the gears and tumblers in the castle drawbridge lie to you.



Greased items that get exposed to fire become flaming for a certain number of turns afterwards (and then the grease is gone).

A simpler version of this idea would be simply to burn off a weapon’s grease when it’s exposed to a fiery monster.



Polymorphing into a big scary monster like a dragon or minotaur causes some monsters (failing a resistance roll?) to flee.

You can wield artifacts in your offhand, but they must be non-intelligent, non-gifted, and non-crossaligned. (Non-wished-for is an option, but may be too exclusive.)



If you polymorph, and are not helpless, all of your torso armor that has a delay of 1 or less and isn’t stuck under slower armor is automatically removed. This includes all cloaks and shirts.

Nazgul cannot be killed “incorrectly” (unclear on what this needs to be, perhaps stabbing them with a barrow-wight’s knife, or being female). If you happen to kill one incorrectly, it will be killed without giving experience and its inventory will be deleted (minus unique items). The Nazgul born counter then ticks down by one, so it can be spawned again elsewhere by the normal mechanism.



Eating a bag of tricks (as a gelatinous cube) does something interesting, maybe only YAFM, maybe more.

The ascension run through the Dungeons of Doom (the instant you come back into your god’s sphere of influence) is trivially easy: your god will regularly smite any enemy that dares attack you, and will ignore prayer timeout when answering prayer (but only to fix problems; if timeout is not 0, the god will not grant you any boons.) However, once you reach the Planes, the other gods step in and start interfering with the god so that they can’t directly help you anymore. These other gods don’t want to kill you since you’re still bringing the Amulet closer to them. But when you reach Astral, the other gods will do all they can to kill you, relieve you of the Amulet, and bring it to their own high altar. Your god sends you several A (might be Aleaxes, ki-rins or possibly even Archons) instead of just one, but you are now faced with elite teams of player monsters, priests, and A sent by the other gods, who have amulet-stealing attacks. The gods’ struggle to each get the Amulet manifests in all sorts of ways: disintegration beams blasting at you but being redirected onto a hapless monster nearby, inventory cursing, lightning bolts, resurrecting the corpses of dead player monsters or priests, and so on.



Gods are more likely to give gifts for higher-difficulty sacrifices.



If you try to eat an artifact and it blasts you to death, put YAFM in the death message: “killed by trying to eat the [artifact]”.



Your starting cat can have kittens.



Dragon eggs can be used as special types of thrown missiles. Black dragon eggs specifically have a disintegration effect.