All ideas with NetSysFire as a contributor

If the Minetown Watch are hostile and subdue you (reducing you to 0 or low HP, or possibly only if you chat to them to surrender), they throw you in jail instead of simply killing you. This probably takes the form of a special jail level where you start out having regained your HP but have lost most or all of your possessions. The jail level is staffed with more watchmen (it could also be guards, but those are specifically guarding vaults).

There could be a variety of ways to escape:

  • solving a special puzzle involving moving iron bars or walls and levers/buttons
  • bribing or seducing the guards
  • using stealth to sneak past the guards
  • or just waiting a certain amount of time without dying.

Pale jelly, a j or j that has an engulf attack that causes illness and a difficulty rating appropriate to that. Some may be found on Juiblex’s level.



When a yellow light explodes, the 3x3 area centered on its explosion area will be permanently lit up.



If they are outside of Gehennom, Infidels’ prayers to Moloch are more likely to succeed the deeper they are in the dungeon.

Sitting on a saddle (on the floor) gives a YAFM if you have sufficient skill in riding rather than the standard “It’s not very comfortable…”



When you are “due” for a sacrifice and of a certain experience level, you gain the ability to sense altars from afar.



When hallucinating, randomize dragons’ colors and glyphs among all dragon colors/glyphs, and allow messages about them to use hallucinatory colors, e.g. “The mottled dragon bites!”



Artifact amethyst that when dipped into fruit juice turns it into booze, the reverse of what usually happens.



If you manage to anger your god to the point of them sending a minion while still an atheist, and your crowning artifact does not yet exist, there is a very small chance that one of the minions will be carrying the crowning artifact.



Zapping a wand of locking or casting wizard lock at a pile of rocks will turn it into a wall, or possibly a boulder if creating walls is too powerful.



If you kill an enemy on a coaligned altar, you get a small alignment bonus and a message “Shimmering droplets of blood ascend into the realm of [deity]!” (Not specified what it should say if the dying monster doesn’t have blood.)

If in a variant that has Secespita, making the killing blow with that also decreases prayer timeout by a few turns.



You can apply the Master Key of Thievery to an iron chain you are shackled to, which unlocks it and unpunishes you. Possibly, if your god is smiting you while you have the Key, they will avoid choosing punishment since you can easily escape from it.



Drinking an identified potion of hallucination or eating a corpse or tin of a hallucinogenic monster as a Knight carries an alignment penalty.



When you pass out from eating rotten food while standing on a staircase, you fall down the stairs (likely petrifying you if you are carrying a cockatrice corpse) and “find yourself at the bottom of the stairs” when you come to.



Fortune cookies will occasionally generate in gold vaults, containing money-based rumors.

Have Zeus’s lightning bolts as an item or artifact you can throw. If an artifact weapon, it should automatically return like Mjollnir; otherwise, it could be an item that vanishes after striking a target but deals immense shock damage to that target.



The Iron Ball of Liberation should smash iron bars that it is thrown at or dragged into the square of.



If the iron chain connecting you to your ball is corroded or rusted, it is easier for you to break with a hammer.

Keep a counter on each shopkeeper representing the number of times a pet has picked up a shop-owned item in their shop (or a shop-owned item inside containers they are carrying). Every time this increments, use it as an increasing chance that the shopkeeper will become aggressive towards pets picking up their wares, with messages like “Kabalebo shouts “Hey! Drop that!” at Fluffy. Fluffy drops [item].” Once they are past that point, you can’t use pets to take their items anymore.

The point on the counter at which the shopkeeper stops playing nice should be roughly some fraction of the area of the shop, to strike a balance between large shopkeepers being more lenient and not allowing you to clean out all the tiny shops in Minetown. A rumor could be added for this: “They say that mom-and-pop stores have lower tolerance for thieves.”

Unspecified whether the counter should increment when a non-pet picks up an item in the shop. Probably not, since this is a fairly rare case.



Alternate god smitings (to go alongside striking with lightning): chaotic gods or Moloch try to create lava around and underneath you, and neutral gods blast you in a magical explosion that instakills you if not magic resistant, curses all your items, strips any charges from charged items and disenchants gear to something highly negative.



Creatures you have sacrificed may appear on the Astral Plane. Possibly, give the player a means of summoning them there as pets.



In variants that have element-specific mages, the message for a sacrificed corpse disappearing is different if you are playing as one:

  • Ice Mage: “The corpse is swept away in a blast of frost!”
  • Acid Mage: “The corpse dissolves into thin air!”
  • Fire Mages either use a standard burst of flame, or a message suggesting more powerful flame.



Eating a sprig of wolfsbane gives you temporary immunity to contracting lycanthropy.

Add a minetown variant called “Wine Town”. It would largely follow the regular Minetown precedents of having the Watch, a temple, a (high probability of a) general store, but would also have at least 2 potion stores, a couple random potions of booze lying around, and a large “drinking hall” room.



When you pray and get deadly sickness cured by your god, they also grant you a little temporary sickness resistance as a grace period against immediately needing it again.

Add a #pour command, which allows you to pour a potion on your own or an adjacent space. This allows you to do things like pour healing potions on your pet rather than smashing them with it, possibly pouring acid and other harmful potions on adjacent monsters, pouring water on fire elementals and other fiery monsters, etc.



You can apply or otherwise dump a potion of acid into a sink to flush out the black pudding in the pipes, if the sink hasn’t yet produced one.



On Friday the 13th, kittens, housecats, and large cats are referred to as “black kitten/housecat/large cat”.



Monsters shouldn’t be able to hide under the iron chain attached to you when you’re punished.



YAFM when you are hallucinating and would hear one of the “sink on the level” noises: “You have a sinking feeling”, or “You hear something that gives you a sinking feeling”.



Becoming hungry or weak does not interrupt opening a tin, though it continues to interrupt all other occupations.



Your chance of sucking an opponent’s brain increases the hungrier you get.



If the chain of your iron ball is rusty, you have a low chance of destroying it with a force bolt, from either the spell or wand.



Zombies get weaker every time they revive, and possibly eventually get to a point where they just stop reviving.



An option to set the name of your juice potions, separate from the fruit, so that you can have your fruit being e.g. “pizza” without potions of juice tasting like “pizza juice”. If this option is unset, the juice name defaults to the configured fruit name.



Orange mold, a F monster which has a passive sleep attack, and a small chance (equal to the other molds) of conveying sleep resistance.



Any corpse which has touched sewage is automatically tainted if you try to eat it.



Using a cursed scroll of light to create darkness has some immediate effect that improves stealth in some way.



The potion of water should always be identified from the start of the game, since “cursed/blessed clear potion” is annoying to read when it’s obvious what the potion is.



Fire damage is amplified for any creature who has greased fingers or equipment.

New artifact Regicider (or Regicide, Usurper or Royalbane): a sword of some type that isn’t already overrepresented in artifacts that has bonuses and warns to monsters with the M2_LORD and/or M2_PRINCE flags. Maybe it would also work on demon lords, depending on if they are considered nobility, or just overlords.

On a somewhat sillier note its attributes could also extend to queen bees and also have some ability to detect royal jelly on the map (invoke effect?)



A chaotic artifact axe (or battle-axe, not specified) The Executioner’s Axe: has a small chance of beheading on every successful hit like Vorpal Blade.



The potion of booze should appear as “potion of mead” to Valkyries, using the same system that makes it appear as “sake” to Samurai.



If you get hit by a cursed rock from a falling rock trap, you may become stunned for a few turns.



Rogues gain a backstab-related bonus when they and their target are in darkness. Possibly, just make many/most attacks in darkness deal backstab damage when they ordinarily wouldn’t.

A more complex implementation would be to differentiate monsters that aren’t susceptible to darkness because they spawned in a naturally dark area from monsters that are.

The drain life spell heals you with some of the HP you drained from your target, possibly even increasing maximum HP by one point if it is full (though this is probably too powerful).

The healing isn’t intended for anyone who can cast it; it would require you to have a certain amount of attack skill and possibly be chaotic.



When you save the game, you can enter a note to yourself which will be repeated to you when the game is restored. This can be useful for remembering your immediate goals or warnings when you don’t know how long it will be before resuming the game.



Track not buying protection from a priest as a conduct, as a weaker version of atheist.



Water demons should resist cold instead of (or in addition to) fire.



Quaffing a potion of speed should exercise dexterity. Possibly only if it is non-cursed.



You can magically charge up a credit card, which when you take it into a shop makes it good for a certain amount of store credit. Alternatively, applying a credit card with charges just spits out some zorkmids and uses up a charge.

Hitting a tin of long worm or purple worm meat with an undead turning beam turns it into a can of worms, which when you apply or eat it creates a bunch of random w around you. Cans of worms can also be found randomly generated.

You can apply an amulet of strangulation to an adjacent monster (that has a head and neck) which will strangle it in 5 turns. Possibly only if the monster is sleeping or paralyzed.