All ideas tagged "ammo breakage"



Artifact dart that has a 100% break rate when thrown, but if it’s carried in main inventory, it will periodically replicate itself and increase its stack size, to a maximum of 50.



Add a quiver item. Ostensibly in the tool class, could either take up a new equipment slot, or take up the shield slot to prevent you from wearing a shield at the same time the quiver is equipped. It’s not actually a container, and just “holds” whatever is in your existing in-game quiver. While equipped, it adds +1 to your multishot, possibly +2 if it is blessed but this may make it too powerul.

Also change the Ranger quest artifact to the Quiver of Diana, a quiver which gives telepathy and reflection when equipped and possibly also prevents ammo from breaking, though it can still erode. When invoked, all projectiles on the level that you threw or fired are magically returned to your inventory, even if they’re being carried by monsters or buried or whatever.


object materials patch

The material of an object affects its ammo breakage chance. For instance, mithril arrows hardly ever break, whereas wood breaks a bit more often than normal iron.



Rangers have a role bonus which decreases the overall probability a projectile will break.



Shuriken may degrade in enchantment when they hit monsters, but they no longer break.



Make the breakage rate of ammo tied to the player’s skill ‘‘cap’’ in its corresponding skill, in addition to the actual level the player has advanced that skill to. This incentivizes roles which start with ammo to use it rather than finding a subpar melee option because any ammo they would fire early on would break..



Ammunition that is +X will break if and only if it scores a hit on a monster above a certain difficulty. The formula suggested was that it can only break when 5X+3 < difficulty, but this is just a wild guess at the numbers and isn’t balanced.



Erosionproofing projectiles greatly reduces their chance of breaking.



Luck’s effect on whether a projectile breaks is nerfed. Instead, the enchantment is the primary factor, and is more involved than just “+2 or above”.