All ideas tagged "elven dagger"

If you are an elf, you can read any object with “runed” in the description (e.g. elven spears, daggers, bows, and the runed wand). Though, elves will know the identities of most of these items by default, so they won’t appear “runed”, which might defeat the purpose.

In any case, the message should be something relatively inane, like “Made in [elvish sounding place]”.



When the player kills a giant spider with an elven dagger and Sting has not yet been created, the dagger is converted into Sting automatically. Sting is made of rustproof steel, instead of wood (this would be tricky to do because of base items; you would still want to be able to create it by naming an elven dagger, but Sting in the lore is made of steel or at least metal, not wood). Sting has bonuses versus spiders, in addition to its bonuses against orcs.



Elven daggers and arrows (and really any pointy wooden weapon) has a 5% chance of instakilling any vampire who is not wearing body armor.