All ideas tagged "spears"

Occasionally when fighting in melee with a weapon you are Expert in, not twoweaponing, and there is no special artifact effect already in play, you get some special benefit of that weapon type. Ideas:

  • Some of the longer swords allow parrying monsters’ attacks.
  • Mace or flail or morning star could stun or confuse targets
  • Stiletto gives you automatic counterattacks sometimes.
  • Spears can skewer through an enemy and hit another one directly behind it.



Archeologists should have Skilled skill cap in either darts or spears to nod towards Mesoamerican atlatls and other throwing devices.



When a monster has multiple spears, it considers them as ranged weapons and will throw them. When it only has one left, it stops considering them as a ranged weapon and will only use it in melee.



New artifact Gungnir, an unaligned spear (spear of Odin from Norse mythology). Confers nothing, but has +20 to hit (or whatever is necessary to make a hit basically guaranteed) and +d8 damage.

Note that SpliceHack implements Gungnir, but not as described here.



You can apply a spear to hit things two spaces away like an unskilled polearm.

If Aeglos/Aiglos, the Spear of Gil-galad, is ever implemented, it should have cold-related effects, because it means “Snow-point”.



Cavemen get a large damage/to-hit bonus when throwing spears at large mammals, or an alignment bonus for killing large mammals with spears.



When wearing gauntlets of power, thrown javelins (or other spear-likes) continue flying after hitting monsters, and may damage monsters standing further back.