Special monster AIs/strategies for golems. Likely requiring a general AI overhaul. The strategy for an individual golem could be selected from a set of possible directives when the monster is created. They follow this directive completely and literally, which may result in some interesting behaviors. The player can #chat to the golem to have it mumble its directive.

  • Kill all humans - golem attacks the nearest human(oid) it can find, not necessarily the player.
  • Gather gold - golem pathfinds to the nearest gold on the level. If that happens to be carried by a monster, attack it.
  • Build a castle - golem seeks out boulders and tries to pick them up and pile them into one small collection of spaces on the level. If you destroy or move them, it becomes hostile.
  • Get corpses - golem tries to collect corpses, but will not hesitate to make more if there aren’t any more on the level.
  • Build more of myself - golem tries to collect things made out of the material it’s made of. It attaches these to its body, increasing its HP and maximum HP; when its maxHP is high enough, it splits into two golems like a blue jelly.